How To Prevent Condensation On Window


If the humidity in the living space is too high, the first sign is often condensation on the window. Here you can find out what consequences this can have and how you can prevent it. Because you do not want your room too humid where you play hell spin casino reviews. That would be just disturbing.

You should not ignore condensation on the windows. Especially when the temperatures outside drop, this happens in many households. The reason: the humidity in the living space is too high. The water vapor from the air then condenses on cold surfaces such as window panes.

The problem: if the humidity is too high, harmful mold can form. First on the windows, but in the long term also on the walls. So you should really take this issue seriously.


How to prevent condensation on windows?

To achieve the right balance between temperature and humidity in your home, you can follow these universal tips:

  • Wipe off condensation daily with a dry cloth.
  • Ventilate or cross-ventilate at least three times a day.
  • Always air after cooking, showering, bathing and also after sleeping.

If you have problems with high humidity, then aquariums, indoor fountains and many indoor plants can be among the causes. In these rooms you have to think more about airing. However, do not be deceived. In this case, continuous ventilation with a tilted window does more harm than good.

Tips For A Good Living Climate

Another tip to further reduce the humidity in the rooms is not to dry your damp laundry in the apartment. A balcony, garden, drying room, attic or even a dry cellar are more suitable.

Ideal Indoor Climate To Avoid Condensation On The Window

According to the consumer center, the ideal living climate should be at a temperature between 18 and 20 °C with humidity between 40 and 60%. However, the temperature in the apartment should not drop below 16 °C, the experts advise. Get a thermo-hygrometer, so you always have the temperature and humidity in view. You can easily find them in every store or online. They are not expensive and really can improve your entire living standard.

Depending on the building structure and insulation, there can of course be differences. While in a new building a high humidity of 60% over a longer period of time is not a problem, in an older building this can lead to moisture damage from as little as 40%.

Adapt Habits To Living Space

If there was a renovation of the apartment or house, this can also change the to Do’s regarding habits for ventilation and heating. For example, if the old windows in the old building were replaced with modern windows, mold can sometimes form because the newer windows only seal much more tightly and there is no longer an exchange of air.

Of course, this is positive in terms of heating energy, which is less lost and also that it is probably more unfortunate than before. But this is exactly the moment when you have to change your previous habits to ventilate. If you have just moved into a new home, it is best to ask your landlord what the best procedure is for this apartment. They will know out of the previous experience. However, you can also ask your friends or family about this matter. Because it is quite common. And yet many people underestimate its impacts. So hopefully you can be one day the person to advise your relatives.

Especially when you are living in a region or area where it gets foggy often. Then you should be more cautious. So it depends on your weather conditions.

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