September 19, 2024

How Digital Marketing Serves As A Best Solution To Video Gaming Addiction


Although, gaming has become the craze of youth. No matter, the gaming industry is generating the highest revenue among all the industries. Earlier, the games were straightforward, and we don’t need any particular environment to play. To begin with, the game we need a simple mobile phone or computer to enjoy the leisure time, with games full of fun. Besides, the games are a source of amusement for both young and adults. Furthermore, the gaming industry is progressing day by day with a new gaming idea.

In comparison to other games, the video gaming industry is getting influence day by day. To the right, many gaming industries are promoting the video gaming culture with more innovative ideas. In brief, the concept of video gaming is a masterpiece played in mobile phones and big screens too. Gaming development companies and mobile application development companies are playing a significant role in the development of effective video games.

How The Popularity Of Video Games Makes Us Addicted?

Beyond the popularity of video games, video gaming culture is promoting negative aspects too on both youth and adults.

As a result of the latest research, where video gaming is grabbing the attention of the youth, it is also negatively affecting them. Several reasons are making questions in our minds.

  1. Violence
  2. Suppress feelings
  3. Affecting the environment and culture
  4. Effects on mental health
  5. Reduces focus
  6. Kills motivation
  7. Negative thinking power

Let’s have a look at these essential points. These points are not negligible:

1. Violence

The gaming culture is getting advanced day by day that there is no comparison with the game development companies, that what they are producing? And what will be the subsequent development? Therefore, the race of getting high in rank has left the quality of production behind in this case. The promotion of violence is gaining influence daily. The most popular video games, fighting, and action games are at the top of the list.

Similarly, these games carry tasks that the player should complete. Furthermore, it can be of any type, threatening, killing, troubling, etc. The mobile game development company should focus on the production of these games.

2. Suppress feelings

The human has a beautiful mind to think; if the mind is working correctly, the thoughts will be positive, and if not, it won’t be very sensible. The continuous video games make the gamer addicted and bounds the person into a small circle of thoughts and focus. Consequently, whether you play violent and non-violent games, it affects your mind and takes away your other interest by giving you a just thought to do one thing. It suppresses your beautiful feelings and makes you a mindless and heartless person.

3. Affecting the environment and culture

As an example of another negative aspect, video games make people more addicted by creating an imaginary world that has nothing to the real world. They are replacing moral and cultural values with fake and meaningless reality. As a result of this, the youth is getting a negative message from these games. Hence, the growth of the environment is also affected.

4. Effects on mental health

Virtual reality games are the most popular games in today’s time. Behind these, they are badly affecting the mental health of both young ones’ and adults. Such as, the mobile game development company are developing fighting games for the criminal mind; they think about how to fight and kill their opponent. In addition to this, the birth of negative emotion gets high. Furthermore, it affects the psychology of the gamer. It takes the ability to think from the person and give them an evil mind, harming others.

5. Reduces focus

Together with a lack of thinking, the gaming addiction reduces the focus of the gamer. For instance, if a person is playing the game for more than three hours, they are losing time for other things, such as studying, outdoor activities, some good habits. The lack of study puts their career in danger, and at last, lefts nothing despite this addiction.

6. Kills motivation

Under the influence of distraction, video gaming sometimes also affects the self-esteem of the gamer moderately and highly, depends upon the type of game.

7. Negative thinking power

Similarly, the games with evil thoughts make the gamer’s mind devilish. As a result, it enhances the negative thinking power highly.

Here is a question how to overcome these rising adverse facts?

Likewise, the negative points highlighted, there should be a solution to this. Everything is in our hands, and nothing is beyond the range of our reach. The thing is, how likely are we to change this? The video gaming addiction reduces when a chain of awareness campaigns begins. Similarly, the development companies and the media awareness programs should join hands together to step forward towards this significant issue.

Social Media Sessions Are A Big Solution

The best way to solve any significant issue, be aware of the people is to organize social media sessions and short training programs. Generally, people follow their favorite stars, which could be an excellent solution for overcoming gaming addiction.

Therefore, these sessions should include proven examples of the people who are facing problems. In addition to this, you can make blogs for influence to overcome addiction. The primary purpose is to convey the idea, and the effective delivery of an idea influences the people.

To summarize this, the best way to resolve any major issue related to technology is, in fact, anything digital marketing solution serves at its best. Ordinarily, social media is popular nowadays, and you can find everything through it. Therefore, it will play an excellent role in the campaigning programs regarding the awareness of hazards of video gaming on the youth as well as adults.

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